Argumentative Essays For College Students Managing

As a result, there is a huge expectation on these two countries to cut their energy use of the switch to renewable sources. Factors That Prevent Reduction of Global Warming In terms of the contribution towards global warming, the United States and China alone produce close to 50% of the carbon dioxide released in 2009. The amount of carbon being pumped into the atmosphere needs to come down drastically in order to prevent a sudden rise in temperature over the next couple of decades. The challenge to get both these nations to agree has been quite huge, as political factors start to step in. Statement The emission reduction policies from these two countries have to be supplemented by other developing nations like Brazil and India, who have also started contributing to the global carbon emissions in a big way.

Writing argumentative essay actively invades college students’ life. It is widespread task of entrance exams and subsequent studies. Should college athletes be paid? Write a 3000 word essay in 3 days. To make an essay interesting, you need to meet certain rules and recommendations, with which you can get acquainted on our website. Essay writing assumes freedom of creativity.

Stuck on your essay? Browse essays about Student Debt and find inspiration. Learn by example and become a better writer with Kibin’s suite of essay help services. An argumentative essay is a particular type of academic writing. It requires students to develop and articulate a clear position on their respective research topic. This argumentative position is advanced and supported through the engaged use of research to support the writer's perspective in the attempt to convince his or her audience to share.

When just beginning or transferring to a college, students may be required to take a college placement exam that includes math, reading and writing tests. As part of the writing exam, students are expected to write an argumentative essay that states a clear position and provides analysis and evidence.

The exam is rated and evaluated by faculty members at the college, and the scores determine into which level English course each student is placed. Prewriting Most college placement essays require students to read a set of circumstances and formulate an argument based on those circumstances.


College Argumentative Essay Examples

Often the prompts for college placement exams involve community- and school-related issues. Once you have carefully read and understood the prompt, decide which position you will take in your essay. Then take a few minutes to plan the basic structure, or outline, of the essay before you write it. Begin by writing a clear thesis statement -- a single sentence that sums up the main point of your entire essay. Then jot down and plan the order of the main supporting point and evidence you will present in the essay. Writing the Essay Typically, the essay portion of a college placement exam should be structured in a five-paragraph format consisting of an introduction, three body paragraphs and a conclusion. The thesis statement should be placed in the introduction and all subsequent information should directly support -- with explanation, analysis and specific examples -- the thesis statement.