Standing Up For Something You Believe In Essay

  1. Standing Up For Something You Believe In Essay

In the aftermath of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States we are seeing many forms of Patriotism. I was surprised to find when I researched this word that it had a lot of negative feelings.

Standing up for something you believe in essay examples

I believe that Patriotism is a showing your support for your country, standing up for what you believe in, and fighting for individual independence. First, I’m proud of my country I’m not ashamed to say the Pledge of Allegiance, or hold up the American Flag. Many men and women have died to give me the freedom that I take for granted. Do Not Waste Your Time I thank them for giving me my way of freedom. When I’m older I will elect officials who believe in the issues I do, and who work for the better. I will not follow nor ask questions or agree with everything the government says or does.

There are numerous meanings and definitions to this overly used word. The word love is usually misused or misinterpreted. Not many of them make much sense to me. Falling in love movie.

Standing Up For Something You Believe In Essay

It is something that can be done in everyday life, and is something that, I believe, should be done daily. Anyone can serve. Service can be as little as washing the dishes, tutoring someone who needs help, or sitting next to someone who is alone. There is something indescribable about lowering oneself and exalting another person.